Saturday, April 15, 2023 – Patricia Hopkins reading an excerpt from “NIGIRO RISING” hosted by The Dock Bookshop 5th Annual Spring Fling: The Dock Bookshop (6637 Meadowbrook Dr. Fort Worth) Level 3 Event Center (next door to The Dock Bookshop).

February 25, 2023
Patricia reading an excerpt from NIGIRO RISING at the African-American Museum in Dallas. Thank you to everyone who stopped by and supported this incredible event sponsored by The Dock Bookshop in Fort Worth, Texas.
A special shout-out to artist Anthony C. Kaczka for the use of his extraordinary paintings on my book covers!
#aareadin #africanamericanreadin #TheDockBookshop #readmorebook #patriciahopkins #africanamericanmuseumdallas #blackhistory #sciencefictionbooks #NIGIRO
Patricia being interviewed by Black Authors Matter TV. (March 2021)

I started writing short stories at a very early age because writing was a creative outlet from the ordinary world. As I matured and had the opportunity to travel to and live in many foreign countries, I began to study and interact with the locals and quickly realized we all want the same things from life. I began writing fiction as a way to incorporate my love for travel into stories about women and the challenges we face.
My favorite types of stories are those with quirky characters who push the envelope and do the opposite of what's normally expected. I love playing with the question "What if...?" because it opens my characters up to discovering imaginative ways of dealing with life.
Thank you all for your continued support.